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Chartered Water and Environmental Manager qualification (MCIWEM C.WEM)

Becoming a Chartered member (MCIWEM C.WEM)

Becoming Chartered with us demonstrates that you are a leader in the water and environment profession. Showcase your experience and skills to the sector with this gold standard qualification, which will set you above your peers.

The Chartered Water and Environmental Manager qualification (MCIWEM C.WEM) is the ultimate demonstration of your skill and technical excellence in the field of water and environmental management.

It is bespoke for those who have chosen a career path in the environment and water sector and it recognises the specialist skills that you have attained. This provides the assurances sought by employers, clients, peers and the public of that you will provide the highest of professional standards.

Around the world, people face new and challenging water and environmental problems every day. MCIWEM C.WEM is a specialised grade of membership which demonstrates your skills as an experienced professional, and one that will always be relevant and in demand. MCIWEM C.WEM will expand the horizons and opportunities you have to participate in solving these challenges.

Who can join?

To qualify for Chartered membership you will need an Honour's degree (or equivalent), depending on any additional registrations that you are applying for you may need a Masters degree. You will also need a sufficient amount of industry experience. There is no defined minimum amount of time over which this can be attained, but typically professionals with less than five years' experience are unlikely to have attained the necessary levels of experience. Using the experience that you have accumulated throughout your career you will need to demonstrate 14 mandatory competences.

In addition to holding exemplifying qualifications to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding elements of professional competence, there are other ways you can demonstrate the necessary knowledge and understanding for progression to chartership. The C.WEM Work Based Learning Route provides a means of enabling very experienced applicants who lack the exemplifying academic qualifications to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding which they have acquired through their working experience.

Why become a Chartered member?

  • Recognition of your professional competence
  • Broaden your horizons and lead the debate
  • Demonstrate higher standards
  • Build a global professional network
  • Develop your expertise and earning potential
  • Lead and influence


Application requirements

If you have an Honours degree (or equivalent) and around five years’ experience in the water and/or environment sector, then you're eligible to apply for MCIWEM C.WEM. To apply for any external chartered registrations (CEng, CSci, CEnv) you'll need a Masters degree (or equivalent). For those looking to apply via the C.WEM Work Based Learning Route.

To apply for chartership you will need to:
  • Complete an online application form
  • Submit a copy of your most up-to-date CV
  • Submit copies of relevant certificates signed by your sponsors
  • Have two Chartered sponsors, one of which must hold C.WEM, who can review your application. You will need to submit a signed letter from each of your sponsors alongside your application confirming they have done this. Additional guidance on sponsor letter requirements can be download here.
  • Complete your 1000 word Career Overview Report
  • Submit your training and CPD record for the last three years. You can find further guidance on what is required here.
  • Complete your 4000 word Mandatory Competence Attainment Report
  • For C.WEM Work Based Learning applicants you will also need to complete the 'C.WEM Work Based Learning Statement Form'
CIWEM Mandatory Competence Attainment Report Guidance

Mandatory competencies allow you to show us the formal and informal skills and qualities that you have developed throughout your career. They will demonstrate:

  • your ability to work independently and as part of a team,
  • how you take initiative to work effectively and apply yourself to a variety of situations, and
  • how you have reached a stage in your career where you can competently lead in your technical field and influence others.

Please provide a response to each of the CIWEM Mandatory Competencies in the relevant section of your online application. The maximum number of words for the Mandatory Competence submission is 4000 words; the distribution between individual competencies is at your discretion to best demonstrate your experience. However, we recommend that you do not exceed 400 words on any response to ensure that you provide us with sufficient information to demonstrate the full breadth of experience required. Please give due consideration to all competencies in your submission; no competence can be left blank. Also, please note that appendices, references and footnotes will not be accepted.

You need to use examples from your own practical experience to demonstrate the appropriate level of achievement for each competence.

Your responses need to be written in the first person and identify your roles and responsibilities, what you have done and what you have learned. Using words such as “involved” is discouraged as this does not inform us of your role and responsibility. If you were part of a team you need to identify what you personally did, describing your contribution to the overall aim of the specific project or piece of work.

Mandatory Competence Attainment Report (no more than 4000 words)

You need to provide a response to each of the 14 Mandatory Competences in the pro-forma report available in your online application. The maximum number of words for the report is 4000; the distribution between individual competencies will be at your discretion. You may find you have more to write for some of the competencies than others

A Competencies | Existing and emerging factors influencing environmental and water issues
  • A1. Knowledge of wider environmental issues and trends (you should demonstrate your knowledge of wider environmental and water issues beyond your area of expertise)
  • A2. Ability to develop strategies or plans to address changes in your sector
B Competencies | Planning, implementation and evaluation of work
  • B1. Ability to analyse and evaluate environmental and/or water problems
  • B2. Ability to solve problems by identifying, developing and evaluating options
  • B3. Ability to initiate, implement and manage change
  • B4. Ability to plan and implement solutions and monitor their continuing performance
C Competencies | Safe and effective working practices
  • C1. Ability to manage resources effectively and efficiently
  • C2. Understanding, promotion and application of Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HS&W)
  • C3. Your contribution to sustainability
  • C4. Understanding, promotion and application of quality enhancement and quality assurance (QA)
D Competencies | Communication and professional ethics
  • D1. Ability to communicate in English
  • D2. Work professionally, ethically and comply with relevant codes of conduct
E Competencies | Professional development
  • E1. Demonstrate continuing professional development
  • E2. Discuss your commitment to CIWEM


Career Overview Report (no more than 1000 words)

Your career overview report is the perfect opportunity to tell us about what skills, qualities and knowledge you have gained. This report should cover the following 6 key areas: duration of employment, job title, employer, roles and responsibilities, your involvement in making key decisions and recommendations and, key learning topics*.

We are looking for a career report that is well-structured, interesting to read and provides a succinct, yet in-depth overview of your work experience up to your most current job.

Your report should give an overview of the work for which you have had responsibility, your job roles and progression through your career, including any career breaks. This is your chance to identify any experiential learning which may be relevant to each registration being sought (i.e. C.WEM/CEng/IEng/EngTech/CSci/CEnv).

How Can We, Global Immigration Help (www.globalimmigrationhelp.com) Assist You ?

Get premium quality Chartered Member (MCIWEM C.WEM) report writing services from premium experts with assurance of 100% guaranteed success.

We at www.globalimmigrationhelp.com have a very highly professional team of native engineers who assure of the well-structured and professional competence reports. It would be 100% Plagiarism free and we will share Plagiarism reports as proof. Our professionals/writers are well qualified and ensure 100% positive outcomes. After report submission, if you get comments for corrections/Modification, it would be handled by us free of cost.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to Reply back/contact us for quick support from our experts at: contact@globalimmigrationhelp.com

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AU: +61-4-8886-0403

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60 Martin Ross Ave, North York, ON M3J 2L5, Canada