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Interim Registration Self-Assessment CEng

Interim Registration Self-Assessment - CEng Applicants

Self-Assessment for Interim Registration

CEng Applicants those who do not have accredited academic qualification

List of applicants for Chartered Engineer registration with no Accredited Academic Qualifications

Professional registration Via

To use the Competency Assessment System on a regulator specific basis, students members, engineering license applicants, engineer-in-training, and professional engineering applicants from the following are eligible. System can also be accessed by geoscience applicants including geoscientists-in-training, participating in the Geoscience Competency Pilot.

  • 1. Interim registration
  • 2. CEng (Chartered Engineer)
  • 3. EngTech (Engineering Technician)
  • 4. IEng (Incorporated Engineer)
  • 5. Chartered Energy Manager
  • 6. CEnv (Chartered Environmentalist)
  • 7. FEI (Fellow of the Energy Institute)

Is your planning to work to IEng, EngTech or CEng in energy? Grab your initial professional engineering qualification now!

If you aim to become a CEng or EngTech or IEng at some point in future, you need to recognise your knowledge and understand it first in this journey.

1. Applying for Interim registration for any engineering designation via Energy Institute

What is interim registration?

Many of the individuals shall be accustomed with these professional names like CEng (Chartered Engineer), IEng (Incorporated Engineer) and EngTech (Engineering Technician). These are the benchmark qualifications for doing engineering in UK. These titles are being respected in the entire globe.

Individual who is thinking to apply for any of these designations need to illustrate the both points mentioned below:

  • 1. You have to show the foundation technical understanding, skill and knowledge for being an engineer
  • 2. You need to apply skills, knowledge and understanding at workplace based on the national standards of commitment and competence

The accurate obligations for both are established by Engineering Council

Interim registration presents that you have illustrated the primary criteria which indicates that you have foundation skills, knowledge and understanding that is required for becoming a skilled engineer.

Why apply?

Presenting your foundation understanding, knowledge and skills is important for every applicants of engineering registration. Interim Registrations identifies that you are eligible for working in engineering as you have met every educational requirements which is developed by Engineering Councils.It enables you to show towards society and employers that you are perpetrated to build your work career and help you to get your initial professional title. You can apply for IEng, EngTech, or CEng Interim registration for showing that you are on the way to full professional registration. Professionally registration can help you to use as a springboard for moving from one type of engineering registration to another.

Who is it for?

If you lack qualifications which enable in recognising automatically by Engineering council, you have to apply for Interim registration which would help us to look for other qualifications and experiences for confirming that you meet similar criteria as that with recognised requirements or offer you suggestions on how to meet up gaps. Suppose you have graduated from University, however lacks professional experience that is needed for full registration, Interim registration offers you initial professional name that shows you are on the part way to accomplish complete registration.

Accredited qualifications?

If you have accredited qualification for the registration you desire to apply for, you can be automatically entitled for fruitful recognition as per your qualifications. You are requested to download the application pack of Interim Registration for assistance towards your next movements. Please go through the below guidance and do not proceed with self-assessment unless you have done the same. What is self-assessment form and why it is required for me to complete? Anyone desiring to gain registration of CEng, Engineering Council wants them to show their Foundation technical knowledge, skills and understanding. EngC deemed the below for those who have attained the above requirements: *EngC accredited Bachelors and Masters *or EngC integrated MEng degree *or any recognised qualification under international concord In Energy Institute, the purpose of conducting self-assessment is to aid those who do not have above degree for demonstrating their foundation technical skill, knowledge and understanding. You required to meet the below list of self assessment form for awarding with CEng. We treat these criteria as Learning Outcomes (LOs).

How shall I complete self-assessment form?

While completing the form of self-assessment, focus on bearing in mind that they are going to illustrate someone who does not know you and meeting of Los. Moreover, directly let us know about things that you have learned and studied in specific fields of Engineering or have performed certain activities in your professional field. You have to provide detailed and particular real life instances of your education, career tasks that you have undertaken. You can tell us about what you did, what ways you used for carrying out and what principles of Mathematical, Engineering and Scientific, you have used for accomplishing Los. It is a request that do not include any calculations or diagram, instead explain what methodology you have used. For providing detailed level that assessors shall be searching for, you might require to write around 200 words for each LO. However, it is not any prerequisite or word limit, it is just a guideline on approx how much you have to write for properly demonstrating that you achieved each LO.

Professionals in their early phase of career:

*It can be that you fulfil the LOs during your academic studies. Please convey us about the same in details. For instance, it may be the things which you have learned related to Interim Registration of Self-assessment for applicants of CEng such as V2.1 March 20 of Thermodynamics. Instead say us about what you have learned and which activities you carried out. This helps assessors in knowing that you have knowledge of fundamentals. *If you having any certified experience (not to worry if you lack), try to back up educational degrees with examples of what you did in putting those in your practice. For instance, “While working on X project, I was entitled for finishing Y task. For this, I have used the calculation of UK and applied Engineering principle of Y for obtaining Z. I have done this by……” This implies you to present your understanding and knowledge using real and practical situation. *Note: Use of word “I” is more suitable that “Us”, “my team” or “Our firm”. This is because assessor desire to hear about individual understanding and knowledge.

Experienced professionals:

*It seems that you have in your mind that you are fresher rather than getting with your academic studies or you may not have any experience of academic to present upon. It is rightly acceptable to refer on professional experience instead of your studies. However, you need to provide detailed and particular examples according to the above outlined. Here, you can always use your skills of academics for showcasing your acquaintance, although you should be able to present specific details above.

Should I contain attachments and extra information?

You have to present our assessors about meeting of learning outcomes using content of self-assessment instead of using any other documentation. Volunteer assessors do not have much time to spend for assessing if your meet all outcomes using additional information. Hence, it is your duty to present this in the form of self-assessment. Some of the applications which might consists are CVs, Cover letter, course certificates and others. These are not limited, you can tell us anything considering from your previous experience which should be in written in that form. The major expectations in this are bulleted below:

  • In case, using academic studies for demonstrating that you fulfil learning outcomes, you must contain a featured module breakdown related to your studies along with featured examples.
  • In case you think that it is essential, you can include one or more additional proofs that might contain evidences like scientific drawings or calculations which you desire to present among assessor. The following format you may use to reference these in the form of Self-assessment. “Check document X, page X, Section X and Fig. X that shows details of calculations”.

Which level is perfect for pitching my examples?

As the learning outcomes are prepared with collaboration of undergraduate/honours level and Masters level results, you need to use pertinent education level for signifying each LO. For instance, neither Bachelor level education can be used for representing learning outcomes of Masters Level,nor Master’s level education can be used for presenting learning outcomes of Honours level. Hence, professional instances must be pitched at the right level.

Explanation of terminology.

Definitions have been provided on few of the words that are used in self-assessment forms to help you getting started;

  • Understanding: It is the ability of using creative concepts, for instance, during design, problem-solving, diagnosis, and analysis.
  • Knowledge: It is the information that could be recalled.
  • Know-how: It’s an ability of applying learned skills and knowledge for performing operations correctly, effectively and instinctively.
  • Skills: These are learning attributes and are acquired which can be used automatically.
  • Awareness: It is general familiarity, although is bound by requirements of particulars.
  • Complex: It implies engineering issues, systems or artefacts which includes tackling concurrently using sizable number of aspects which communicates and need in depth understanding comprising knowledge in front of discipline for analysis and dealing with. Points to be remember:
  • Do present instances of your usage of analytical methods , mathematical, engineering and scientific theories
  • Do present specific and detailed.
  • Do illustrate assessors on your own knowledge.
  • Doindicate educational experiences, and professional understanding whenever required.
  • Do present answers suitable to every detailed LO.
  • Do not only tell assessor about your understanding and knowledge, instead focus on demonstrating or showing them by giving details of it.
  • Do not only register the module or courses which you have studied.
  • Do not think that assessors would read all documentation and extract suitable information as it is your role to reference them accurately.
  • Do not only say “Please check above”. You have to use of similar example which you have used earlier and you would need to describe them for each of LO.
  • Do not apply phrase like “I do such things in my workplace” or “I learned this in my BSc course.” Instead be specific.
  • Do not use diagram and calculations, instead focus on explaining your used methodology.

What occurs next?

Time that you get for completing the self-assessment is of four months. When you complete it, please make sure to ask any sponsor or line manager for getting it signed for verifying that contents are of your own work. Now, you should give date and then, sign the document yourself. Please use a word format for sending your self-assessment form and send your signed PDF at professionals@energyinst.org. When these are obtained, our professional development team would review your work. They might provide you the necessary feedback on the required areas which would help you to improve your responses. This mostly occurs when you do not provide enough detail. When we are completed with the checking of your applications and the suggested feedbacks are complete, it would be submitted to any of our specialist volunteer assessors who would have suitable proficiency for checking your submission. Our aim shall be to give the relevant feedback to you inside 2 months. However, as our every assessor is volunteers those who provide their own time in helping others to progress, this might on exception taking a slight longer.

As soon as the assessor has reviewed your submission, they shall develop recommendations towards panel of ICP (Individual Case Procedure). This panel would contain one of the bellow following:

  • 1. The assessor shall recommend that you are honoured with Interim registration.
  • 2. The assessor might ask for few more information from you
  • 3. The assessor might feel that you require more learning for gaining progress.
  • In order to become Chartered Engineer needs much time and commitment and our team appreciate you for having time to pertain for honourable position via the Energy Institute. Please note, in case you are struggling to finish the form after going through our guidance or in case of having any question, please feel free to call us on +44(0)20 7467 7159 or mail us at profesionals@energyinst.org

2. Applying for CEng for any engineering designation via Energy Institute

CEng (Chartered Engineer)

The work of Chartered Engineer is related with effective role that needs innovation and new concepts. As a CEng in energy, you shall have to develop new solution based on the Engineering issues applying existing or new gadgets with the process of creativity, change or innovation. You might have technical responsibility for managing complex system based on the risk levels and would be involved using of commercial or technical leadership that shall need suitable interpersonal competences. Making a successful application for the registration of CEng using EI, you would be receiving additional name: Chartered Petroleum or Chartered Energy Engineer based on your specialism area. Also, note that this names/Title is not gained through other professional medium and enables in recognising your major expertise being an specialist in Energy engineering field.

Before you apply

Before applying for registration of CEng, you have to check whether you have Bachelors or Masters or integrated MEng degreeaccredited from Engineering Council. However, you can still apply if you do not have these. In that case, you need to complete first the Interim CEng registrationand then you can apply for full registration of CEng. Also, you can check your UK qualification in this: https://www.engc.org.uk/education-skills/course-search/ However, if you are studying outside UK, then please contact our professional membership team at professionals@energyinst.orgby giving all details of academic qualifications. This would help us in giving you advise on best action course.

Why apply?

Professional registration for CEng via EI enables in recognising your skills, commitment and experiences being an engineer for working in energy. Additionally, it represents employers about your competence, work ethics and expertise that they highly value. You shall be gaining professional title being a CEng which contains high prestige and improves your employability. Along with represents your professionalism and you are recognised globally.

Who is it for?

It is for the engineers who have presentable track record of using knowledge and skills which are of advanced level in the role of energy. You have to show that you are having suitable technical knowledge and skills of high level in engineering, understanding your roles being a professional and knowing how to use it. Chartered Engineers are mostly having master’s level qualification and these are above engineering, however, it is just a single way for registration. Application can be done if you are having other experience or qualification. In the application pack, there is more information. Here, we are searching for energy professionals those are committed and therefore, we are asking you to join EI as Associate member before making application for CEng via us. It implies that you shall be getting membership advantage directly and support in your journey on the way of your professional prerequisite.

3. Applying for IEng (Incorporated Engineer) for any engineering designation via Energy Institute

Incorporated engineers are involved typically in maintaining and managing relevant applications those are working with the budding and current technologies. Being an IEng in field of energy, there is chance for you to indulge in various ranges of works such as development, engineering design, construction, manufacturing and operation. Based on your role you shall be having both knowledge of general and specialised engineering. Moreover, you will be able to apply new and existing energy technologies and know the ways of applying suitable practical and theoretical methods at workplace.

Before you apply

The primary thing before applying that you require to do for IEng registration is to check that you are having accredited bachelors of Engineering Council or an accepted SVQ4 or NVQ4. However, if any of this is lacking, you can still apply by completing the Interim IEng registration primarily. Your UK qualification can be checked here: https://www.engc.org.uk/education-skills/course-search/ Moreover, if you are studying outside of UK, then contact team of Professional Membership at professionals@energyinst.org with every details related to your academic degrees which an help us to advice you about best course of action.

Who is it for?

If there is any track record of yours related to successfully applying for knowledge and skills to manage and maintain applications in energy, the right title for you would be Incorporated Engineer. Only, you shall require presenting suitable foundation technical understanding of engineering, know-how for applying it and realise your roles being a professional.IEngsis having bachelor degree in engineering, although, it is only single registration route. You are having scope of applying if you acquire other experience or qualifications. Information is more in our pack of application. We are in search of devoted energy employees and hence, we are asking you to join EI in the position of Associate Member before making application through us for IEng. It implies that you would be getting membership advantage directly along with immense support in your entire journey.

4.Applying for EngTech (Engineering Technician) for any engineering designation via Energy Institute

Incorporated engineers are involved typically in maintaining and managing relevant applications those are working with the budding and current technologies. Being an IEng in field of energy, there is chance for you to indulge in various ranges of works such as development, engineering design, construction, manufacturing and operation. Based on your role you shall be having both knowledge of general and specialised engineering. Moreover, you will be able to apply new and existing energy technologies and know the ways of applying suitable practical and theoretical methods at workplace.

Engineering Technician (EngTech)

The post of Engineering Technician are qualified via EI apply for proven techniques and process for providing solution to engineering issues of practical energy. The role is to contribute to development, design, commissioning, decommissioning, manufacturing, maintenance or operation of products and equipments, services or processes. Additionally, they are having role of supervisory along with technical responsibility. These personal are having experience and know ways of working effectively and innovatively inside energy technology fields.

Before you apply

Initial thing that you require to do for applying for registration of EngTech is checking if you are having Engineering Council accepted Modern/Advanced Apprenticeship or an alike approved qualification. However, you can still register for the post, if you do not have any of the mentioned documents just by completing the Interim EngTech registration initially. Your UK qualification can be checked here: https://www.engc.org.uk/education-skills/course-search/ . If you have studied outside UK, you can contact team of professional membership at professionals@energyinst.org along with full details about your academic qualifications which would help us to advice you about the best action course.

Why apply?

Professional registration being an EngTech could be done via EI who would recognise your expertise and hard work being a technician working in the field of Energy. It presents the employers about your expertise, competence and work ethics that are of high value among them. Being an EngTech, you shall be getting professional name which represents that represents the level of your commitment towards energy career and helps in enhancing employability and manages your professionalism.

Who is it for?

If your aim is to make thinks works by resolving problems of practical engineering, EngTech would be suitable for you. In UK, there are more than half a million people those are already fitted for EngTech and can get their qualification of first professionalism in Engineering. You require foundation technical understanding and know ways of applying it. However, you do not essentially require any formal qualification. For example, in case you have extensive work experience. Detail information is present in our pack of application. We are searching for determined energy employees and hence, we are asking you to join here being an Associate Member before you make application for EngTech. It implies, you shall be gaining membership benefits and support from us in the entire journey.

5.Applying for CEnv (Chartered Environmentalist) for any engineering designation via Energy Institute

CEnv(Chartered Environmentalist)

Chartered Environmentalist are experts those are responsible for dealing with environmental impacts, planning of strategies and actions. They deal with environmental challenges associated with energy and mitigate them by promoting sustainability, lead teams and departments, advice government and other working practitioners. With their specialist knowledge and understanding of environment, they manage their work life daily applying sustainable thinking.

Why apply?

CEnv through professional registration enables in recognising your skills, commitment and experience for solving and eliminating environmental issues in energy. It helps in showing employers that you have work ethics, expertise and skills that they worth which enhance your demonstrating of professionalism and employability.

Who is it for?

Those are having track record in evaluating and analysing the issues from perspectives of environmental energy, generate practical and sustainable solution, it is for them. You have to present your master’s level thought, even if you do not have any master’s level degree. Further information is presented in the pack of application. We are in the search of dedicated energy professionals and hence, we ask you for joining EI being an Associate Member before you make application for Chartered Environmentalist- implies, you shall be gaining membership benefits and support from us in your journey of professional qualification.

How to apply

We are searching for the dedicated energy professionals and hence, you would require joining first as Associate Memberbefore applying. This implies you would be gaining benefits of membership directly along with support in your journey. In case you are willing to apply or want to start working headed for CEnv, merely download the application pack and start. Full information related to CEvn title and ways of putting it together in application are mentioned in the application pack. In case you are already an EI professional member, you can apply for CEvn on your own. However, if you aren’t, you need to become either fellow or member of EI. Although you are liable for doing this consequently by downloading suitable pack below.

TMEI (Technician Member)

Technician Members of Energy Institute is employees who assure every work are done at ground level.

Who is it for?

It is for experience technicians those are working in any sector of energy and knows how to establish processes and techniques for resolving technical issues. You need to be confident in choosing suitable procedures, techniques and strategies for undertaking energy associated activities and need to work comfortably without any guidance, supervision or staff allocation at work.

What are the benefits?

Being a TMEI, you shall be getting full bunch of EI benefits such as:

  • Professional appreciation of your skill, knowledge and know-how in energy comprising eligible for using post nominal TMEI
  • Current energy news and views- new updates and bulletins from EI, your selection of our magazines, Petroleum review or energy world, delivering directly to your footstep
  • Professional development- discounts and news on events and training, suggestions on effective practice and managing and developing expertise and knowledge
  • Network and connection- bulk of scope every year for connecting with other experts and grows your networking channel every year, via our branches, events, young network of professional, conferences, events, linked-in groups and seminars
  • Shape the profession- Lots of opportunities for volunteer, design efforts of industry, support others for delivering secure, safe and sustainable energy system for advantage of society
  • Knowledge resources- right to use to our information services containing aspects of energy sector involving our library, energy matrix and services of e-library

Member (MEI)

If you become member of Energy Institute, it would help in recognising your skills, knowledge and proficiency in energy and your attainment in a accountable role based on the matching post nominal.

Who is it for?

It is for the experienced professionals those are working in any field of energy. You would be held in responsible role that needs using of professional expertise and judgements – for instance, you shall be observing staffs, projects and related processes. Based on your specialism, you shall be applying complex theories at your workplace and be innovating and creating in your job role.

What are the benefits?

Being a MEI, a full range of EI benefits you shall be getting that contains:

  • Professional recognition- You can get this in your knowledge, expertise and skills of energy consisting authority of using post nominal MEI
  • Current news and views of energy- new updates and bulletins from EI, your selection of our magazines, Petroleum review or energy world, delivering directly to your footstep
  • Professional development- discounts and news on events and training, suggestions on effective practice and managing and developing expertise and knowledge
  • Network and connection- bulk of opportunities every year for connecting with different experts and develops your networking channel every year, via our branches, events, young network of professional, conferences, linked-in groups and seminars
  • Shape the profession-Many opportunities for volunteer, design efforts of industry, support others for delivering secure, safe and sustainable energy system for societal benefits.
  • Knowledge resources- right to use our information services containing aspects of energy sector involving our library, energy matrix and services of e-library

FEI (Fellow of the Energy Institute)

FEI is thehighest membership level of EI and recognise professionals who bring difference in energy. In this, you are eligible of using post nominal “FEI” after name that shall recognise your standing and achievements in energy sector.

Who is it for?

It is for the leaders and influencers of energy- mainly professionals those are having experience and detailed knowledge and skills. This implies that they are responsible for playing key role in directing profession forward. Members are able to work in any energy field and they shall have management roles at strategic level and advanced level of understanding along with experience in energy industry. Hence, they would be excellent managers and leaders with advanced interpersonal competences.

What are the benefits?

Benefits of EI membership that you shall gain as an FEI along with additional opportunities of thought-leadership are

  • Professional recognition- Our highest level of professional membership is fellowship that identifies your leadership and power in energy and input that you are giving to take sector forward.
  • hape the profession- Becoming a fellow; you shall be having scope to become volunteer, supporting others and presenting views in your expertise field and shaping industry efforts for delivering secure, safe and sustainable energy system for societal benefits.
  • Latest news and views of energy- new updates and bulletins from EI, your selection of our magazines, Petroleum review or energy world, delivering directly to your footstep
  • Professional development- offers and news on events and training, suggestions on effective practice and managing and developing expertise and knowledge
  • Network and connection- bulk of opportunities every year connecting with various professionals and develops your network every year, via our branches, events, young network of professionals, conferences, linked-in groups and seminars
  • Knowledge resources- entire admittance to our information services consisting each component of energy field, our library, Energy Matrix, e-library services.

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